Thursday, 1 January 2015

Bow Down, Bitches: How Beyoncé Turned An Elevator Brawl InTo A Perfect Year

A family feud and outrageous VMA tearful speech and not to mention the impeccable music and performances made Beyoncé, somehow, better than ever.

Beyoncé has, for nearly a decade, was a deity in entertainment: untouchable, successful, divine. In 2014 he became something even more impressive. She became human.

That is perhaps the most important thing an artist can be these days. That does not mean I do not crave perfection. In fact, what we demand. Beyoncé certainly provides more current, too and effortlessly. But as we used to be satisfied considering that perfection, as he stood on a pedestal, now we want to go down between us. Our mandate is almost impossible now: we want the perfection of an artist to be relatable.

Beyoncé was perfect so many times in 2014, and for that alone it should be better artist of the year. But the singer is "Flawless" very poor, very shocking, very vulnerable times this year that win the title.

First, however, perfectly.

Your Sneak-attack Beyoncé album, released by surprise at the end of December 2013, not only was definitely the best album from beginning to end of the year, but also completely changed the industry by introducing a release strategy that really convince people buying albums. To start, despite being released in 2013, was still the second best-selling album of 2014.

There was the bevvy of actions that promote Beyoncé, too, which were characteristically spectacular. Nobody performs live as Beyoncé ago that showed him with his incomparably sexy-and just a little silly performance "Drunk in Love" at the Grammy Awards, and voice-arena worthy of "XO" at the Brit Awards. There was the amazing nocturnal phenomenon that was his job during Run The stadium tour with Jay Z, a well-oiled and amazing feat of "putting on a show" that wiped the floor every night with her poor husband, particularly captivating performer in its own right.

But it led to his epic Video Music Awards, a medley nonstop 16 minutes of each song on the album Beyoncé. No artist has ever done that in an awards ceremony. To be fair, no artist ever asked him to, or could have done it if they had. He was brave and raunchy and funny and ridiculous and strange and powerful feminist. A night in which they had already made best-Usher music artists -the likes of Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Sam Smith, and crowned. None of them approached the brilliance of what Beyoncé had achieved.

It should have been dispersed cacophony, which with 75 seconds Beyoncé singing fragments of an album full of songs. But under his expert guidance, it became fascinating art. By the time it ended with a sing-a-long of "XO" Beyoncé had done so rare. He had transcended interpreter entertain the audience. The shared feelings, the bubbling excitement, fear: she became an experience.

Then at the end of all this, at the end of a performance of 16 minutes that saw Beyoncé shows each dance movement and emotion in his repertoire and the public still standing and surprised enthusiastic applause, the singer did something she never had before. She was vulnerable. She was genuine. She cried.

That's because as perfect as Beyoncé was for us this year as perfect as output music and was as perfect as his performance was, was, perhaps, the first year it was not perfect for Beyoncé.

Iron throne of the Queen began to crack when he was involved in a scandal. And no gross scandal gossip rag. There was evidence of this. There was video of it. There was family drama and marital problems and was not all swept under the carpet by public relations experts to be treated privately, while the veneer of perfection that broadcast in public. Beyoncé had a personal life was messy and everyone, even if we did not invite him for it, it became a part of the disaster.

There is an argument to say that the fascination and world buzzing during the video itself, sister of Beyoncé, Solange attacking Jay Z in an elevator while passively watching Beyoncé contributes to the condition B as the greatest artist of the year. If the means of stimulating conversation and entertainment stimulate interest in life, nothing more criteria found in 2014 that the brawl elevator seen (and dissected within an inch of his life) around the world.

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